Thursday, January 31, 2008

Alternative Training

Just another day at work. While helping a co-worker find a training video in the training room (obviously named), we came upon a black DVD case. Inside there were 3 discs, one hand labeled "69", the other "Buttfuck Bitches" and another, "3Pete". I was going to throw them out (don't recall them receiving any Oscars). I even placed them in my trash can...but I kept thinking what a waste of porn! Someone paid good money for those...Is the hand labeled one a home video? I didn't feel like I could just pop it in my work computer to find out. I couldn't bring myself to place trash upon them, just in case... By the end of the day, I was feeling so bad about trashing them, that I laid this impassioned plea upon a male co-worker to take the porn. After initially declining, he finally capitulated. My conscience can rest now. No porn has gone to waste.

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