Friday, December 28, 2007

In the news

Mountain time sucks for watching the news. By the time I'm home from work, network news is over. Sometimes my only news is the headlines from MSN when I'm accessing my companies web site at work. I don't usually pause to read, but today I did. I think I'm a full day or two behind everyone else on Bhutto's assassination. Horrible thing to happen. Then I don't understand the people who are so enraged they torch a train.

But maybe it is us in the US who are too complacent. Sheep who are blindly led. I have never voted for Bush. I don't like him and I don't like his decisions. Yet I haven't been part of a train torching. It never occurred to me at all. Sometimes I get mad and write something. Not quite the same impact as a train burning. Then the Pakistanis burned their banks. Who was that going to hurt? Well maybe there is some justice there, but you know it will ultimately fall upon the population.

It made me think about what it would take to make me want to blow myself up (don't understand the suicide bomber thing either), or torch something, or even march upon the Mall. I'm not sure. Maybe it's something that sneaks up on you, you just don't know until it happens. Like those illegal immigrants, who thought we'd give a shit if we saw them marching in solidarity.

But I feel safe in our country. Safe in my house and town. I feel confident that justice will be served, eventually if not immediately (despite lawyer scum). And most importantly hope that the future will be better. I wish it could be so for everyone. Peace.

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